Music Greek Nights | Mystilli
Dinner & Show | Parfait Athens
Live Music Nights | Callas Gastro Bar - Live music
Dance Society | Wild Poppies
Our Thursdays | Wild Poppies
Haris Mos Live | Iguazu Athens
DJ Set Live Vocals Andrianna | Iguazu Athens
Dionisia Saxo Party | Iguazu Athens
DJ Gigli Live | Mayor Athens
Konstantina Live | Mayor Athens
Lambis Livieratos Live | Mayor Athens
London to Athens | Mayor Athens
Dia Tauta Live
15th of March - 12th of April | Franky meets Ella on the Orient Express | Railway Carriage - Theater “to Treno sto Rouf" | Athens
7th of February – 13th of June | Billy Merziotis & The After Hours | Glass Musical Theater | Athens
14th – 15th of March | ANDRE RIEU | ΟΑΚΑ | Athens
14th – 22nd of March | The Last Drive - A Farewell To The Tribe | Gagarin 205| Athens
24th – 25th of March | Johnny Logan | Pallas Theater | Athens
March 25th | National Celebration Parade
28th – 30th of March | 2nd Greek Beer Fest | Old Depot-OSY | Athens